There are 30 more sleeps until we go to Japan for our annual (or not so annual, lately!) family summer trip! Otherwise known to the teenagers as FORCED FAMILY TIME in Japan! :D
We have great fun planned, meet ups with friends old and new, sleepy, slow days and new places to explore! One of the things I'd like to do this time is scout out some new coffee shops and cafes and do some writing and dreaming for the future. Another thing I am looking at doing is making art in Japan--not sure what yet--but if not actively making art, definitely looking out for new supplies and yummies.
Mostly, I just like BEING there in Japan. The sights. The sounds. The people. The perspectives. The old and ancient contrasting with the new and modern.
There are also some new to me flea markets that are catching my eye and I hope to go wandering about and gather up some treasures. I'll be sure to take you along with me, with nearly daily posts, especially on Instagram--so follow me there if you haven't yet! :) Just 30 more sleeps!